Ready for School vs Ready for Work!
As usual, the red angels were enthusiastic in helping out with the packing of vouchers. Entrusted by dearest liling and junhong, our team spent 4 days packing 8500 envelopes of vouchers worth more than half a million! GEE!
Ever had a childhood dream of having lots and lots of stickers? Well, if any of us had that dream, we certainly got to live it these few days, though whether it was a nightmare, who knows? :P
We got to stick a sticker on each and every envelope! Guess it was fun, for a while.
Had great fun in the volunteers lounge with xueling, jane, kaihui, pohjee, and xiaolee! Jane and xueling were there on tuesday. On wed, jenyi and xiaolee joined them.
On thursday, we continued our production chain. kai hui joined us too. There was a high chance of finishing it by thursday. Unfortunately, xiaolee lost 2 pieces of vouchers and pohjee spent the whole night to QC the piles to find the missing vouchers. Fortunately, we found the vouchers! But it was already 11pm =(
On Friday, everything done!!
Tedious job. but every moment spent with friends is worth it. On the last count, xiaolee suffered 4 paper cuts. gee. Not too bad considering the amount of envelopes we each packed on average.
See you all on Ready for School!
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